A Message From the Executive Director

Welcome to the MSBOA Website!


The Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association has been serving the schools of Michigan since 1934.

For 90 years MSBOA has provided numerous student oriented activities such as festivals, workshops and teacher in-service functions at both the district and state levels.

The Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to improving instrumental music in the State of Michigan.

MSBOA is organized in regional-district associations in both peninsulas, serving over 1,000 public, parochial and private schools. MSBOA consists of more than 1,000 instrumental music teachers certified by the State of Michigan to teach music education in our schools.

MSBOA is controlled at the State level by an Executive Board and the Presidents of our 16 geographical Districts. Three times a school year, this body meets to determine and discuss various topics that lead the Association, in such a way, as to ensure the continuing growth of MSBOA and instrumental music. 

As Executive Director it is my pleasure and honor to serve the membership of MSBOA.  

Please visit the many areas of our website and become informed as to the activities of MSBOA.

Musically yours,

Garret M. Ernst

Executive Director


State Cabinet

Gregory Holt President gholt@troy.k12.mi.us
Paul DeSimone Vice President Band and Orchestra pld2397@hotmail.com
Joe Oprea Vice President Solo and Ensemble joprea@lowellschools.com
Bryan Mangiavellano Vice President Jazz Activities bryan.mangiavellano@nwschools.org
Maritza Garibay Vice President Orchestral Activities maritza.garibay@detroitk12.org
Cheryl Thomas Vice President Adjudication
Jeanine Ignash Vice President Music Selection jeanine.ignash@ovidelsie.org
Emma Greenwood Secretary/Treasurer greenwoode@mapsk12.org
Matthew Shephard 1st Past President matthew.shephard@merps.org
Greg Normandin 2nd Past President gregenormandin@gmail.com

State Office

Garret Ernst Executive Director gernst@msboa.org
Heidi Schlosser Administrative Assistant hschlosser@msboa.org

District Presidents

Brian Balch District 1 President balch.brian@gmail.com
Nick Anderson District 2 President nanderson@erschools.com
Aaron Orkisz District 3 President aorkisz@goodrich.k12.mi.us
Michael York District 4 President
Nicki Bruski District 5 President bruskinm@midlandps.org
Tianna Doe District 6 President tdoe@bangorvikings.org
Greg VanStrien District 7 President gvanstrien@capsk12.org
David Larzelere District 8 President larzele1@gmail.com
Jason Lowe District 9 President cpsbands@gmail.com
Rebecca Kilgore District 10 President rkilgore@rockfordschools.org
Aaron Mirakovits District 11 President mirakovitsal@kalamazoopublicschools.net
Jaymi Yettaw District 12 President jaymi.yettaw@dundeeschools.org
Jessica Kietzman District 13 President jessicak@eupschools.org
Robert Miller District 14 President rmiller@eskymos.com
Victoria Fernholz District 15 President victoria.fernholz@detroitk12.org
John Phillips District 16 President john.phillips@romeok12.org