The Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association is greatly aided by the work of numerous committees. Please contact the chair person of any committee with your questions, suggestions, and concerns.

ALL-STATE COMMITTEE:  Coordinates the MSBOA All-State Program and serves as the MSBOA representative for the Michigan Music Conference. 

Chair: Jo Ann Gross

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: Analyzes the financial position of the Association. 

Chair: Emma Greenwood

COMMITTEE FOR EQUITY: Creates a fair and equitable educational experience in music by providing detailed suggestions and proposals to the MSBOA State Executive Board.

Chairs: Sean Patton  and Alan Posner

CONDUCTING SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE: Organizes a workshop where directors work under the tutelage of master conductors as part of the Michigan Music Conference.                         

Chair: Mark Stice

FESTIVAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE: Considers and proposes changes in festival rules and procedures.

Chair: Allman Todd

FUTURE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Provides possible directions for future inprovement of the Association.

Chair: Greg Normadin

HONORARY AND EMERITUS ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE: Implements the procedure to recognize and honor retired instrumental music instructors as Members Emeritus and awards Honorary status to noted individuals that provide educational services to the MSBOA membership.

Chair: Jon Nichols

MICHIGAN MUSIC CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: Coordinates involvement in the Michigan Music Conference in Grand Rapids.

Chair: Matthew Shephard

MUSIC COMMISIONING PROJECT COMMITTEE Oversees the commisioning of new musical works for the MSBOA. 

Chair: Robert Ash

MUSIC EDUCATION WORKSHOP COMMITTEE: Organizes two annual meetings of all state offices, district presidents, and other representatives to consider questions of music education. This long-standing committee has produced the excellent MSBOA Handbook series. 

Chair: Sarah Nietupski 

MUSIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE: Promotes education of computer music issues and creates a music workshop for members as a part of the Michigan Music Conference.  

Chair: Nicholas Hardy

ONLINE FESTIVAL SCHEDULING ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Supports District Vice Presidents with online festival scheduling.                         

Chair: Jessica Tippett

POLICY STUDY COMMITTEE: Deals with all questions in the area, such as district transfer, extra curricular tips by musical groups and special adjudication. 

Chair:  Matthew Shephard

SPRING HONORS FESTIVAL COMMITTEE: Organizes the annual MSBOA Spring Honors Festival with an Honors Band, Honors Orchestra, Honors Jazz Ensemble and Outstanding Soloists and Ensembles.

Chairs: Greg Normandin

UPPER PENINSULA COMMITTEE: Formed to coordinate MSBOA Upper and Lower Peninsula activities and to encourage participation in the MSBOA. 

Chair: Laura Robinson